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Kid Standing on Bench

Outreach & Education 

Looking for ways to help or need more information? 

Prevention Education is intentional, empathetic, and relevant to the children we work with. Prevention is age-appropriate with a warm, engaging, and thought-provoking interaction between the presenter and young people. The goal behind abuse preventative education is to reduce the risk of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect in children who live in our community.

Outreach, Prevention, and Education offerings for adults can be adapted to any group, club, business, or organization. Opportunities are available in-person and virtually.  Click here to view all training opportunities we offer. 

Contact us at to inquire about or schedule prevention training today! 


In NC every individual 18 years of age or older is a mandated reporter. If you know or suspect any form of child abuse or neglect or believe a child has been the victim of a crime, you must make a report to either Department of Social Services or Law Enforcement (or both in some cases). Project SeeMeSaveMe, our prevention curriculum for adults, discusses this mandate and the steps involved in detail.


Davie County Department of Social Services: 336-753-6250; Davidson County Department of Social Services: 336-242-2500; Law Enforcement in any jurisdiction: 911

Project SeeMeSaveMe


The Dragonfly House Children's

Advocacy Center TM

387 Valley Road

Mocksville, NC 27028

(336) 753-6155

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Judicial District 33 (22b)

Davidson and Davie Counties, NC

Advance, Archdale, Bermuda Run, Clemmons, Cooleemee, Denton, High Point, Lexington, Mocksville, Thomasville, Wallburg

The Dragonfly House Children’s Advocacy Center is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion

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