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Friday, November 8, 2024
8:30am - 12:00pm

Triple J Manor House

362 Interstate Drive, Mocksville, NC 27028

Sex Trafficking Victim Training

This training was created for Law Enforcement and Human Service Professionals to help identify victims and understand their needs.

  • What sex trafficking is and how it operates

  • How to recognize the indicators of a trafficking victim

  • The myths and stereotypes that can result in a missed opportunity to assist a victim

  • What trauma does to the brain and how this can affect a victim's thinking and behavior

  • How to interact with a victim using trauma-informed care for the best chance to help them

  • How to access resources for help

Registration is $25 per person and includes attendance, training packet, and breakfast items with juice and coffee.

To register without using credit card or to register a large group of individuals, contact Brandi Reagan at 336-753-6155 or 

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